By Katalin Körtvési and Anikó Novák,
professors of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music

ZeneZen is a new approach in the teaching of piano performance that aims at increasing the technical and musical skills through the integration of a comprehensive and in-depth training of general musicianship according to the Kodály concept and through the possibilities of self-expression, communal creativity, and a refined sense of communication based on empathy manifested in the Kokas pedagogy.
ZeneZen creates a unique opportunity for the participants to develop their stylistic awareness as well as their power of artistic expression in piano performance.
The Kokas program relies heavily on forms of expressions from other branches of art such as singing, active music listening, free movement, drama-play, literature, graphics, painting with all of these melting into a complex system. The ultimate aim of the Kokas pedagogy is a fusion of ability, talent and accomplishment.
Dr. Klára Kokas was an outstanding figure in creative music pedagogy. Her oeuvre was influenced and determined by the spiritual compass she received from Zoltán Kodály. The principles of her music pedagogy lie in her realization of the fact that the most effective way to guide children towards concentrated attention and absolute perception of classical music is through movement, activity and productive work. Her pedagogy uses the age characteristics of children and mobilizes those of the adults to help them perceive music in its totality. Her method goes beyond developing musical competence; it is also a complex method for the development the self.

Throughout this master course, we will demonstrate how different aspects of teaching interact with each other and contribute to a holistic experience of music learning.
We try to support students from two sides: one is supporting their conscious, analytical selves through Kodály’s method, which is enhanced by the piano classes supporting their emotional, artistic selves through the holistic approach of the Kokas method.
Our main principle is that the key to music teaching is music itself. One of the most important characteristics of music is its multidimensional nature; it is a complex acoustic and temporal structure that engenders many emotional responses in listeners. In our teaching approach, music’s emotional impact is the starting point, which then creates the background for the other teaching parameters to step in. Once even the smallest changes and motions of music are experienced from its core, the theoretical reasoning and terms can be more easily understood.
The Master Course is thus built on three main pillars:
- Piano class and coaching
- Musicianship training
- Kokas movements through music listening